PhoNE workshops

PhoNE (Phonology in the NorthEast) is the current incarnation of a series of annual workshops, mostly on phonology, which have been meeting on the East Coast for over two decades.

Historically, the names were acronyms based on the participating schools:

RUMMIT was the Rutgers-UMass-MIT phase of the meeting. This name was used from 2009 until 2014 or so.
UMMM was the UMass-MIT Meeting on phonology, a.k.a. MUMM. These names were used 2008-9.
HUMDRUM stood for “Hopkins, U of Maryland, Rutgers, Umass”. This name was used in 2000-2009.
RUMJCLaM was the “Rutgers-UMass Joint Class Meeting”. Before that, RUMD. These names were used in the 1990’s.

Here are the locations and dates of previous meetings. Corrections are welcome, and thanks to Juliet Stanton for help in tracking these down!

2020: NYU
2019: Yale, April 13
2018: MIT, March 31
2017: UMass, April 8
2016: NYU, April 9
2015: Yale, April 2
2014: MIT, April 26
2013: UMass, April 6
2011: Rutgers, May 16
2010: MIT, December 4
2009: UMass, November 1
2009: MIT, May 9
2008: UMass, November 22
2008: MIT, March 29
2008: Rutgers, April 26
2006: Hopkins
2006: MIT
2005: UMass
2004: Rutgers
2002: UMass
2001: Hopkins
2000: Rutgers
1999: Rutgers
1998: UMass (RUMJClaM)
1997: MIT (as Bay and Berkshires Phonology)

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